Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy Spring/Summer

We have been very blessed with kids,lambs and more baby bunnies. This spring between working midnights and the farm it has been incredibly busy and entertaining. Babies of all sorts happily playing tag,king of the castle and hide and seek. It often makes me wonder on the mixed communications of different livestock animal babies, somehow in their own way they manage ;) The heat of summer has finally arrived bringing 1000's of lupins to our front fields ( a beautiful sight) along with the joy of watching these guys grow and play together, lambs jumping up on hay bales(no sheep are not supposed to jump but these guys don't get it ;D as the goats do it all the time so why can't they LOL Shearing by hand is going on daily, i am busy trying to get a few done a day but just depends on how they like to co-operate most times. The Icelandics and Shetlands are nearly done and we're working on the other Longwool breeds of sheep now. Lots of lovely fleece to add to the stash in the house already;) the alpacas are next;D I'll post pics shortly of all the not so lovely haircuts everyone is sporting here on the farm;D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trying to Contact June Neil...Would you be able to provide contact info?